Fear to Confidence!

April 11, 2022

Kate* and her three children were finally free from domestic violence when Kate’s partner left the house. But Kate continued living in fear, struggling to pay the high rent by herself, just getting by with the help of emergency rental assistance. She wouldn’t be able to continue housing her family for long on her limited income.

Then Kate found Bridge of Hope. As Kate entered the Bridge of Hope program, she shared her fears with her case manager. She needed a safe and affordable home, where her ex-partner could not find them, and she needed help increasing her income so that they would not spiral into homelessness. With the help of Bridge of Hope, they soon moved to a new location with more reasonable rent.

Now one of Kate’s goals is to be promoted in her job, and significantly increase her income so that she can sustain housing for her family. She is also working to find community resources to help her family gain strength and resilience.

Kate’s Neighboring Volunteers from a local church are happy to share emotional support on her journey, as well as gardening and lawn care tips, meals, and other practical support. As Kate experiences Bridge of Hope her fear is being replaced with joy and confidence!


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Fear to Confidence!