Carving a Space for Neighboring

August 11, 2020

In a recent book I read, I was struck by the words ‘carve a space for themselves’. It’s been ringing in my ears and hanging on in my mind, so I know that I need to unpack and process it a bit more.

The overwhelming incidents of violence toward Black and Brown men, women, and others in this country is staggering. Many people have characterized these days as walking in a haze of fear and anger. For others, this newfound reality and awareness of violence toward Black and Brown people has caused them to want to educate themselves by reading books by Black and Brown authors, listen to the experiences that people have faced in this country, and to lean in and be curious about how they may be perpetuating cycles of oppression against their brothers and sisters in Christ. In many ways, many folks are carving spaces for themselves – new spaces. Necessary spaces.

The families being served by Bridge of Hope Chester County are being assisted to carve a space for themselves – to be seen, helped, and supported. They are making lifelong changes that result in long term stability in their housing, their employment, and their relationships with each other and with the Neighboring Volunteers. They are being seen and are moving – not only into new homes and apartments, but also moving toward dreams of new possibilities for themselves and for their children! For that, I will always remain grateful.

When it comes to neighboring, Jesus made our call simple: to help our neighbors who are in need. And that’s one of the most beautiful aspects of Bridge of Hope. We answer that call and we do it with others who have committed to be followers of Jesus.

I encourage you to lean in to this idea of neighboring, to be curious about it. Jesus may be calling you to carve a new space for yourself. Won’t you join us in this work?

Lisa Cameron
Bridge of Hope Chester County


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Carving a Space for Neighboring