A Ride to Graduation

August 10, 2023

Jeremiah’s* family had to move out of their town and school district in order to find affordable housing. However, their mom received permission for Jeremiah and his siblings to continue attending their old school, but transportation to high school would not be provided.

Since Jeremiah’s mom left for work early in the morning, she wasn’t able to take him to high school. They came up with a plan for Jeremiah to take a public bus to school, but after several weeks of trying this, it wasn’t going well. As a senior, it was important for Jeremiah to be able to graduate at the end of the year. After realizing that some extra help was needed, one of their Neighboring Volunteers stepped up and gave him a ride to school every day for the rest of the school year.

Jeremiah successfully made it to graduation! At his graduation party, the volunteer presented him with a book she had made as a graduation present. The book included things they had talked about on their rides and encouragement for him in the future. While this volunteer went above and beyond the level of typical support, her consistency and faithfulness made a huge impact on Jeremiah and his future!

Neighboring Volunteers who show up consistently to provide support is critical as families exit homelessness. Thank you for showing up as we walk together to end family homelessness.


Rachel Thomas Steadman, Program Director


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A Ride to Graduation