Celebrating each milestone strengthens each step
June 18, 2024

When housing was found for Mercedes* and her children, they realized the place needed some work. Her Neighboring Volunteers knew helping to prepare the home was a way they could support Mercedes and give the landlord a break as well.
Once Mercedes and her children moved in, her Neighboring Volunteers wanted to help them feel celebrated in their new home! Mercedes expressed that having a house blessing ceremony would be quite meaningful for her.
The Pastor of the Neighboring church happens to be one of the Neighboring Volunteers, so he met with Mercedes beforehand to invite her ideas and to make sure she would be comfortable with their plan.
Mercedes and her children, along with her sister and the Neighboring Volunteers gathered at the house. The Pastor led the ceremony, including blessing each room of the house. Afterwards, they all shared a potluck meal and had cake to also celebrate her daughter’s birthday.
It’s moments like these, celebrating each milestone along the way, that help families feel supported on their journey of ending homelessness!
Rachel Thomas Steadman, Program Director
Ty Williams, Church Engagement Director
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